Hi, Sam here from Templeton Property and today we’re going to briefly discuss – How often can Routine Inspections be undertaken?
Under current Queensland legislation, you’re allowed to do only 1 inspection within any three-month period, so the maximum is 4 routine inspections per annum.
Now some agents do 1 or 2 per annum. We think that’s insufficient to keep a good eye on the property. We think the lucky number is 3 or 4. 3 being for an average property, 4 being for a property that’s high maintenance or where we have concerns about the tenancy. Now, we always recommend that the owners come along to at least 1 inspection per annum. We always ask them to every inspection, but recommend that they come along once, so you can get a good idea of the condition of the property and the upkeep and so forth. If you can’t make it along, we will always provide you with a detailed report and dozens and dozens of photographs, so you get a really good idea of the condition of the property.
And there you have it. If you have any further questions, please message me below.
Sam Price – Templeton Property
At Templeton Property we go above and beyond to secure the best outcomes for our clients. Discover more about we can assist you by calling us today on 07 3368 1988 or Sam Price directly on 0418 159 993 to discuss your needs.